2022 Notes & New Classes
Welcome to an infrequent set of notes about code, biology, and artificial life from arsiliath.
Three updates:
First: I will lead a 6–8 week cohort of the compute shader workshop starting next month August 1st, 2022. If you are interested, sign up here.
If you already took the workshop in the past but did not finish, you are also welcome to join for free in August. Just let me know in Discord.
Second: I am beta-testing a new introductory programming class aimed at designers and artists who are not comfortable coding. More info here: https://notochord.xyz/basic-programming-class.html. If you are want to participate in the beta version, please let me know or apply via the form on that page. Feel free to share that link with anyone you think might be interested.
Third: Below please find some recent explorations for a work-in-progress simulation…
Hope to see some of you in the August Workshop!